



JUST DANCE Mellow Eventlocation, Albisstrasse 84, 8038 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Erna Drion

Mellow Eventlocation, Zürich (CH)

JUST DANCE is exactly that: a dance party without the fuss. Dance your butt off and be back in bed before midnight (if you want to)! with DJ PATRICIA ON FIRE 

You keep telling your friends that you really want to go dancing, but you can never find a party that starts before midnight.

We see you, we feel you, and we've got you covered!

JUST DANCE is organized by Julie, owner of Our Happy Place, Nele and Arjanna, co-founders of the WOMEN'S HUB and supported by the infamous Kickass Ladies, because we wanted a place to dance our butts off and sing along with the greatest hits from the 90s, 00s and today without the fuss.

  • We start early (so you can be back in bed on time).
  • There is no dresscode (we love you anyways, whether you are wearing yoga pants or dress up like your favorite singer).
  • All dance moves are equally cool (and we don't care if you skip a beat).
  • Bring a friend or come alone (we will all be friends anyway when we dance the Macarena together).
  • Drink water, or wine (whatever gets you in the mood to dance)

Are you ready for a night of care-free fun?


The idea for JUST DANCE was born out of our own love for dancing, and our disappointment about the lack of places one can go to dance before midnight.

When we


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JUST DANCE is exactly that: a dance party without the fuss. Dance your butt off and be back in bed before midnight (if you want to)! with DJ PATRICIA ON FIRE 

You keep telling your friends that you really want to go dancing, but you can never find a party that starts before midnight.

We see you, we feel you, and we've got you covered!

JUST DANCE is organized by Julie, owner of Our Happy Place, Nele and Arjanna, co-founders of the WOMEN'S HUB and supported by the infamous Kickass Ladies, because we wanted a place to dance our butts off and sing along with the greatest hits from the 90s, 00s and today without the fuss.

  • We start early (so you can be back in bed on time).
  • There is no dresscode (we love you anyways, whether you are wearing yoga pants or dress up like your favorite singer).
  • All dance moves are equally cool (and we don't care if you skip a beat).
  • Bring a friend or come alone (we will all be friends anyway when we dance the Macarena together).
  • Drink water, or wine (whatever gets you in the mood to dance)

Are you ready for a night of care-free fun?


The idea for JUST DANCE was born out of our own love for dancing, and our disappointment about the lack of places one can go to dance before midnight.

When we half-jokingly shared the idea to organize a low key dance night with our communities (Our Happy Place, the WOMEN'S HUB & the Kickass Ladies), the excitement was overwhelming.

So here we are... organizing a dance event for the very first (and hopefully not last) time!

We are organizing JUST DANCE out of love, not as a commercial endeavor.

It would mean the world to us if you help us spread the message about the event with your friends, or share any ideas you have to make this party even more fun!

(picture by Erna Drion)


Frequently asked questions

What time should I be there?  Doors open at 19:00. Please be there at 20:00 latest so we can enjoy the dancing together.

What if I get thirsty?  You can purchase drinks from the bar which will provide the regular range of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages.

What if I get hungry?  We will provide some light snacks, but recommend for you to have dinner before.

How do I get there?  We recommend to take a tram to Butzenstrasse.

What if I want to party longer?  We will be closing at 23:30, but you can of course always hit the city for some more night life.

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Veranstalter:in von JUST DANCE

Clüver & van der Plas KlG


Online-Verkauf endet am Freitag, 28.06.2024 23:30


CHF 35.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Total: XX.XX CHF

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Mellow Eventlocation, Albisstrasse 84, Zürich, CH


JUST DANCE wird organisiert durch:

Clüver & van der Plas KlG

Kategorie: Party / Disco