Event-Image for 'Nijinski'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Auch Battles - Experimental Dance Battle'
Event-Image for 'DanceXchange 17 mit Gästen aus Südafrika'
Event-Image for 'DanceXchange 17 mit Gästen aus Südafrika'
Event-Image for 'DanceXchange 17 mit Gästen aus Südafrika'
Event-Image for 'Show-Off'
Event-Image for 'Stage School Zürich'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Insight - Performance by Inbar Elkayam'
Event-Image for 'Stage School Zürich'
Event-Image for 'Show-Off'
Event-Image for 'Ballettschule für das Opernhaus Zürich'
Event-Image for 'Schülervorstellung Dance Emotion - Back to the Roots'
Event-Image for 'Show-Off'
Event-Image for 'Bachelor Contemporary Dance presents: new production'
Event group
Event-Image for 'taZ - Curtain Up! Tanzakademie Zürich zu Gast'
Event-Image for 'Zürich Sunday Jam - Contact Improvisation'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Ausverkauft: #Takeoff'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Roberto Bolle & Friends'
Event-Image for 'Homage to Ballet - A Night with the Stars'
Event-Image for 'Homage to Ballet - A Night with the Stars'
Event-Image for 'Kiew Grand Ballett - Schwanensee'

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