


Sound Journey & Cacao Ceremony

Sound Journey & Cacao Ceremony Appenzellerstrasse 49, Appenzellerstrasse 49, 8049 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Munay Frequency, Vanessa Martinez

Appenzellerstrasse 49, Zürich (CH)

Welcome, beautiful souls


Immerse yourself with the master plant Cacao in this unique journey to the depths of your inner being. Dive with her into a world of sounds with a variety of instruments and become part of a deeply nourishing and regenerating experience.

The magical vibrations of the crystal singing bowls and Tibetan singing bowls, the harmonious sounds of the Koshi, the rhythmic drum, and much more will take you into fascinating worlds and enchant your senses.

To create a holistic experience, the Sound Journey is complemented by breathing - and movement exercises, meditation, and vocal heart-sharing. This space is created to experience an opening of the heart through union, love, and joy with yourself and your surroundings.

Together, we will fill the room with love, mindfulness, and positive energy. Cacao, as a sacred drink of ancient cultures, will accompany us on our path to promote heart opening, clarity, and spiritual awareness. 

I invite you to be part of this magical event and to experience a deep connection to your deepest Self.


Look forward to experiencing:

  • Ceremonial Cacao from Peru
  • Sound Journey 
  • Movement exercises
  • Meditation
  • Community

Bring along:
• Yoga mat
• little blanket and pillow
• something to cover


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Welcome, beautiful souls


Immerse yourself with the master plant Cacao in this unique journey to the depths of your inner being. Dive with her into a world of sounds with a variety of instruments and become part of a deeply nourishing and regenerating experience.

The magical vibrations of the crystal singing bowls and Tibetan singing bowls, the harmonious sounds of the Koshi, the rhythmic drum, and much more will take you into fascinating worlds and enchant your senses.

To create a holistic experience, the Sound Journey is complemented by breathing - and movement exercises, meditation, and vocal heart-sharing. This space is created to experience an opening of the heart through union, love, and joy with yourself and your surroundings.

Together, we will fill the room with love, mindfulness, and positive energy. Cacao, as a sacred drink of ancient cultures, will accompany us on our path to promote heart opening, clarity, and spiritual awareness. 

I invite you to be part of this magical event and to experience a deep connection to your deepest Self.


Look forward to experiencing:

  • Ceremonial Cacao from Peru
  • Sound Journey 
  • Movement exercises
  • Meditation
  • Community

Bring along:
• Yoga mat
• little blanket and pillow
• something to cover your eyes
• a water bottle to stay hydrated
& wear comfortable clothing


I look forward to seeing you.



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Sponsoring-Logo von Sound Journey & Cacao Ceremony Event


Veranstalter:in von Sound Journey & Cacao Ceremony

Vanessa Martínez


Online-Verkauf endet am Sonntag, 16.06.2024 18:30

Sound Journey & Cacao Ceremony

CHF 66.00

Sound Journey & Cacao Ceremony - Students, Legi, Low income

CHF 55.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Die Schweizerische Post


Rheinfelden Tourismus


TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Appenzellerstrasse 49, Appenzellerstrasse 49, Zürich, CH

Links zum Event


Sound Journey & Cacao Ceremony wird organisiert durch:

Vanessa Martínez