

18.6. - 20.6.

Digital Identity unConference Europe​ 2024

Digital Identity unConference Europe​ 2024 Trust Square Bahnhofstrasse, Bahnhofstrasse 75, 8001 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Claudio Schwarz

Trust Square Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich (CH)

DICE aims to foster collaboration and work on the adoption of a dignified digital identity between governments, citizens, and companies across Europe. DICE consists of a Conference Day with keynotes and panels and two Open Space unConference Days that are generative and collaborative in nature. For the Open Space unConference Days, the agenda will be co-created live each day, with the support of a facilitator: It's all about exploring the topic with professional peers from a range of identity areas. This event is for individuals, practitioners, researchers, regulators, implementers, government leaders, technologists, and digital and privacy rights activists. A neutral event where people from a range of different standards, efforts, and businesses can come together, learn from each other, build connections and move the work forward. For more information, visit the DICE website: https://diceurope.org/


18.6.2024, Pre-Conference : 8 am Registration - 5.30 pm Transition to Day 2 / Closing Pre-Conference Day and Welcome Event

19.6.2024, unConference: 8 am Doors open Registration, latest arrival by 8.30 am

20.6.2024, unConference: 8 am doors open, latest arrival by 8.30 am / Closing by 16:30

Der Event beginnt in
7 Tage
3 Std
11 Min
42 Sek


Sponsoring-Logo von Digital Identity unConference Europe​ 2024 Event


Trust Square Ecosystem


Online-Verkauf endet am Donnerstag, 20.06.2024 17:00

Regular Ticket

CHF 600.00


Reduced: Government | NGO | Startup

CHF 400.00


Reduced: Academia

CHF 200.00



CHF 0.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Die Schweizerische Post


Rheinfelden Tourismus


TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Trust Square Bahnhofstrasse, Bahnhofstrasse 75, Zürich, CH

Links zum Event


Digital Identity unConference Europe​ 2024 wird organisiert durch:

Trust Square Ecosystem