

27.5. - 28.5.

zurich bar show 2024

zurich bar show 2024 Widder Bar (Hotel Widder), Widdergasse 6, 8001 Zurich Billets


Widder Bar (Hotel Widder), Zurich (CH)

Our vision for Zurich Bar Show 2024 is to curate an unforgettable experience that brings together industry professionals, cocktail enthusiasts, and industry experts in celebration of our social scene and bar culture. Building upon the foundation of last year’s event, this edition promises to be even more dynamic and enriching.

Over the course of two days, attendees will be treated to activities designed to learn, network and taste:
Educational Seminars: Esteemed leaders from within the industry will be on stage, offering invaluable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of the bar industry
Engaging Workshops: Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in hands-on workshops led by experts, exploring everything from cocktail techniques to emerging flavour trends
Live Demonstrations by Guest Mixologists: Witness the skills of celebrated mixologists as they showcase their craft, innovative cocktail creations and cutting-edge mixology techniques during their guest shifts in selected bars in the city
Product Showcases by Leading Suppliers and Brands: Discover the latest innovations and equipment shaping the future of the industry
Networking Sessions: The Zurich Bar Show provides a unique platform to create meaningful connections, fostering collaborations that drive businesses forward

For more information, check

L'événement est terminé


Organisateur de zurich bar show 2024

HunkyDory Zurich


La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 28.05.2024 19:00.


CHF 45.00

Les prix incluent la TVA

Total: XX.XX CHF

La vente de billets en ligne a été interrompue.
Contacter l'organisateur

Total: XX.XX CHF



Widder Bar (Hotel Widder), Widdergasse 6, Zurich, CH


zurich bar show 2024 est organisé par:

HunkyDory Zurich